Milk Jug Ball Toss!
This easy kid’s activity is a lot of fun. We used two recycled and cleaned-out plastic milk jugs to make a ball toss game. You can decorate them however you want and play catch with them. It’s a fun way to get some exercise and make a quick craft at the same time. Check out our other easy games and projects too at Kidfunideas.com
What you'll need:
· 2 empty and cleaned and dry plastic milk or water jugs
· Scissors
· Pencil
· Sharpie Marker
· Glue Stick and Eye template
· Balled up socks or lightweight balls
How to make it:
1. Use a pencil to poke a hole in the milk jug on the opposite side of the handle.
2. Have an adult cut out a large hole approximately 6” tall by 4” wide.
3. Print out the eye template and glue it onto your milk jug above the hole. If you do not have access to a printer, use your sharpie marker and draw in two eyes on either side of the hole you made. Add eyebrows or other details if you like.
4. Use your marker to draw all around the opening of your hole. This will make it easier for you to see the hole when you are playing catch.
5. Use lightweight balls to take turns throwing the balls to a friend and using the milk jug to catch the ball. Tip: whiffle balls or ball pit balls work great. If you do not have lightweight balls, you can use balled-up socks or make small bean bags.

Easy print version