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Three Piece Band!


Here's a fun way to make a three-piece band with recycled materials.  We transformed plastic eggs leftover from Easter, a wipes container, and a takeout container to make mariachis, a drum set, and a guitar- perfect for Cinco de Mayo.  Make a bunch and you’ll be ready for any fiesta!  Check out our other Kidfunideas Cinco de Mayo projects too.


What you'll need for mariachis:

  • Plastic Easter egg

  • Duct tape

  • 1 Tablespoon rice

  • Stickers or Permanent markers to decorate

How to make it:

  1. Open each plastic egg, pour in the rice, and close back up the egg. Use a thin strip of duct tape to go around the seam of the egg where it closes. 


What you'll need for the drum set:

     * One plastic empty and dried-out bacterial wipes container or, a cardboard empty oatmeal container.

      * 2 chopsticks or unsharpened pencils

      * 1 paper towel

      * duct tape

How to make the drum: 

    1.  Use scraps or squares of colored tissue to decorate the outside of the container.  First, apply white glue or Mod Podge to the surface of the container, then cover it with a piece of colored tissue.  When dry, cover with another layer of white glue or Mod Podge.  If you don't have tissue and glue, you can decorate a piece of paper and tape it to the outside of the container.  

    2. To make the drumsticks, fold a quarter of a sheet of paper towel in half lengthwise, then fold the paper again.  Place the end of the chopstick between the folds and roll up the end into the paper towel.  Secure with a strip of duct tape.


What you'll need for the guitar: 

      * One shallow round plastic take out container

      * 4 rubber bands in varying thicknesses

      * duct tape

      * a paper towel tube

      *paper or crayons to decorate

How to make the guitar:

    1.  Slide the rubber bands over the takeout container one at a time until they are spaced evenly.  

    2.  Turn your container opening side down and tape the rubber bands to the container with duct tape.  Add a strip around the side edges as well to hold the bands in place. 

     3. Flatten the cardboard paper towel tube.  You can decorate it with crayons or cover it with colored paper.  Attach the cardboard tube to the back of the takeout container with duct tape.   


That’s it!  Add stickers or decorate with permanent markers and you’ll be ready for the fiesta – Ole! Three-piece band made from recycled materials

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